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2021-10-27 NOVIS Insurance Company becomes only private business in Slovakia that holds an S&P rating
NOVIS Insurance Company has announced that it has become the only private company in Slovakia that holds a rating from S&P Global Ratings.S&P assigned the insurance company, which was established in 2012, a rating of ‘BB-‘, and a stable outlook.
“We believe NOVIS Insurance Co. has grown fast and has attracted distribution partners in different European markets, while its competitive position remains in a buildup phase,” said S&P.
“The stable outlook reflects our view that NOVIS will continue to expand its franchise, maintain regulatory solvency capital well above 100%, and maintain capital adequacy according to S&P Global Ratings’ capital model above the ‘A’ range from 2021-2023.”
“We have registered convincing positive feedback from our financial and business partners, and it is an astonishing achievement for a young company of comparable size," said NOVIS Chief Executive Officer Siegfried Fatzi.
S&P noted that NOVIS writes unit-linked business with additional protection coverage on mortality, morbidity, and accidents and disability in a number of European Union countries, and that its main markets include Italy, Iceland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Germany.
S&P also outlined that NOVIS could achieve an upgrade of its rating within 12 months in case NOVIS would continue to generate profitable growth, gain scale and develop the franchise in line with the business plan in target markets, as well as reducing sensitivities towards lapses and its dependencies to reinsurers and capital market debtors.
2020-04-03 NOVIS offre i servizi con la stessa qualità e efficacia come sempre
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